Human-animal interactions are an endless source of inspiration for me as is the materiality of paintings and sculptures. I am fascinated by how the surface of an empty canvas transforms into a story brimming with life and colour, conveying a message to the viewer of their own thoughts and feelings. I try not to make my art or teaching a statement but rather tickle the interest in the subject. Inviting to explore and learn for yourself.

The scratches of claws and the yawns of beast jaws. Bringing a piece to life also makes me alive.

I seek a tactile feel and liveliness in my brushstrokes. I want my works to appear as if they could come to life and leap out of their frames at any moment. In my paintings, animals inhabit extravagant rooms, lounge on velvet sofas, and scratch themselves out from between wallpaper and the wall. They boldly take over the environment built by humans. In my paintings, I highlight the apparent contradiction and power dynamics between humans and nature without placing the animal in a victimized position. Instead, animals and nature are doers who assert control over the space in their own way.


Born in 1993 in Lappeenranta, Finland.

Resides and works in Helsinki, Finland.


2019, Master of Arts, Art Education, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland

2018, Student exchange 30 cr, Univerzita Karlova (Charles University), Prague, Czech Republic.

2017, Bachelor of Arts, Art Education, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland

2013, Matriculation Examination, Visual Arts School of Helsinki, Upper Secondary School, Helsinki.

Art teaching

2019-2024, Art teacher, Arabian asukastalot ry, Helsinki.

2020-2023, Art teacher, Jokiniemen peruskoulu, Vantaa.

2016-2022, Art teacher, Pukinmäen taidekoulu, Helsinki.

Solo exhibitions

2024, Blossom Point, Helsinki, Finland

2023, Gallery Kalleria, Helsinki, Finland

2023, Kallion kirjasto, Helsinki, Finland

2023, Asbestos Art Space, Helsinki, Finland

2018, Oma Kahvila-Ravintola, Helsinki, Finland

2017, Gallery Node, Helsinki, Finland

2017, Salakapakka, Espoo, Finland

Group exhibitions

2024, Gallery Toinen Silmä, Helsinki, Finland

2023, Gallery Pihatto, Lappeenranta, Finland

2018, Golden Classics Café & Bar, Helsinki, Finland

2017, Café Pikkurastas, Helsinki, Finland

2017, Tallinna Ülikool, Estonia

2016, Gallery Lume, Helsinki, Finland

2013, Gallery Node, Helsinki, Finland

Public artworks / Wallpaintings

2016, Senior home Hopeakuu and Hopeakotka, Espoon Eläkekotisäätiö, Finland.

2015, Maria Rusko’s home and other private spaces.

2014, InSight Company classrooms and meeting spaces, Helsinki, Finland


2023, Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, Muutoskyvykkyyttä muotoilusta -hanke. Livepiirustus ja kuvitus.

2021, Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, HomeOpera -Digitaaliset sosiaaliset kulttuurielämykset -hanke. Livepiirustus, tapahtuman ja palvelupolun kuvittaminen.

2021, Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu. Opetusmateriaali. Persoonakuvitus.

2017, Kulttuurivihko magazine (1/2017, 3/2017, 4/2017, 6/2017).

2015, Book cover illustration, Maria Rusko, Äidit, 2015.